Tuesday, March 10, 2009

One-a-day keeps the haters away

One thing about me, I hate unprofessionalism and lack of detail. If I am going to do this thing, I'm going to do it right. My only goal with this blog is have a take and try not to suck every day (I listen to a lot of Jim Rome sports radio). I don't care if anyone reads this blog or not, I'm still going to write and pour my heart and soul into this online journal (so when I'm gone my mourners will see what a kook I really was in life).

TODAY is Tuesday, March 10th. On my mind today is (of course) the shitty economy. It's going to be the topic of discussion for many days (possibly years) to come, I'm afraid. Having said that, if you think about it, the economy is all anyone every thinks about or talks about. Even when things are going well, it's what stocks to invest in, start-up companies, silicon valley, what new car to buy, saving for retirement, etc. Capitalism fosters this environment of the haves and have-nots. This is the major point that conservatives cannot grasp why "the other guys" want it any other way. In their minds, the harder you work the more you will receive. Unfortunately, we all know this is fabrication. That argument is much too involved for this small post.

What did Bill Clinton's advisers say when he was running against George Herbert Walker Bush? "It's the economy, stupid." There is no playbook in how to run a successful economy. Conservatives argue that there is one and it's called "free markets" with "no government intervention." That's exactly what has happened to get us in this mess. "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good." -Gordon Gecko

In any event, if you're reading this and struggling to make ends meet, take comfort in the fact that everyone, everywhere is feeling it and it will get better. Tough times don't last, tough people do. This current crisis may be the best thing for us, sort of like a wake-up call about saving money and spending wisely. Anyway, I promise to post on anything BUT the economy tomorrow (not that anyone is reading this!)

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